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Spectating The Digital Age

CaptureAge is the ultimate tool for casting, watching and improving your skill in Age of Empires II.

You’ll gain helpful insights into the moment-to-moment stats, actions, and strategies from your favorite pros, and the help you need to analyze your own gameplay and improve your odds on the battlefield.

CaptureAge is Free and available to everyone that owns Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.

Deep Game Mechanics

In Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, there’s a lot that happens in every minute of competitive play. CaptureAge helps you absorb this information with an enhanced overview of all the tiny-but-critical stats that matter for success.

Full Zoom & Smooth Camera Controls

Focus on the heat of battle, or zoom out for an all-encompassing view of the battlefield – CaptureAge gives you smooth camera control for precise viewing of every important moment.

Detailed Live Statistics

CaptureAge provides a quick and easy summary of competition in the top of the UI. This helps you predict who the battle favors, and the advantages of different tactics. If you want to dive deeper, the bottom of the UI provides a more detail breakdown that can help inform your own version of winning strategies.

The CaptureAge Team

The CaptureAge team is happy to partner with World’s Edge in bringing you these features, in the hope that it will improve your experience with Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition even more! The tool was originally created in 2019, and the CaptureAge team has been keeping it updated and improving ever since. You can follow them on Discord, Reddit, and Twitch to stay updated on all their activity.

Become an Age Insider!

Insiders unlock access to exclusive news, updates, and opportunities to provide feedback about future releases. Here are some of the perks:

  • Access to private forums where you can interact with Age developers
  • The chance to join exclusive beta opportunities through Steam and the Windows Store
  • Channels to provide feedback and inspire quality changes in your favorite Age titles